Hello! My name is Miikka Koskinen. I live in Helsinki, Finland. You might know me by the handle arcatan.
I work as a software developer. I have extensive experience in backend development, especially in Clojure and Python. Currently I work for Oura Health. My previous employers include Metosin, ZenRobotics and Futurice. I have a Master of Science degree in mathematics from University of Helsinki.
Internet presence
- Read my tech blog at quanttype.
- Read my outdoors newsletter at Small Rapids.
- Follow me on Twitter or Mastodon.
- Look at my code on GitHub.
- Look at my photos on Flickr and on Instagram.
- Check out what I have been reading recently.
Public speaking
The talks I’ve given about functional programming:
- 2019-02-23: Pointfree Clojure (lightning talk), :clojureD
- 2017-10-25: Data, the Ultimate Abstraction, Helsinki Clojure Meetup
- 2016-09-27: Implicit Configurations, Helsinki Haskell User Group
- 2015-09-24: 20th century functional programming, Helsinki Haskell User Group